iNet dictionary icon

Dictionary of used terms in iNet

This dictionary is designed for the "no-expert" user to get an idea what the terms iNet displays are about. For more detailed explanations please use the offered Wikipedia links provided for most entries.

More terms will be added to this dictionary if new features are added to iNet.



The "Apple Filing Protocol" is a network protocol that offers file services for Mac OS X. AFP versions 3.0 and greater rely exclusively on TCP/IP (port 548 or 427) for establishing communication ->Wikipedia AFP

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)

Each device on a network has at least two addresses: a MAC address, and an IP address. The MAC address is the address of the physical network interface card inside the device, and never changes. The IP address can change if the machine moves to another part of the network or the network uses DHCP. ARP is used to match, or resolve, an IP address to its appropriate MAC address (and vice versa). ARP works by broadcasting a packet to all hosts attached to a network. The packet contains the IP address the sender wants to communicate with. The target machine, recognizing that the IP address in the packet matches its own, returns an answer. ->Wikipedia ARP

ARP Table

A table of IP addresses stored on a local computer. Matches IP addresses to their corresponding MAC addresses. The ARP table updates usually within some minutes and contains all IP addresses of devices that are currently online.



Bandwidth (also refered as data rate) is the re rate at which a network can transfer data, measured in bits per second.->Wikipedia Bandwidth


Bonjour is Apple's trade name for its implementation of Zeroconf, a service discovery protocol. Bonjour locates devices such as printers, other computers, and the services that those devices offer on a local network. Bonjour allows users to set up a network without any configuration.->Wikipedia Bonjour

Broadcast Address

A broadcast address is a logical address at which all devices connected to a multiple-access communications network are enabled to receive data. A message sent to a broadcast address is typically received by all network-attached hosts, rather than by a specific host. Some Routers deny sending data via the broadcast address (e.g. for security reasons.->Wikipedia Bonjour



A client is an application or system that accesses a remote service on another computer system (host), known as a server, by way of a network. If you allow e.g. File Sharing on your Mac, this Mac acts as the server, and the computer with which you access the files is the client.->Wikipedia Client



The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical decentralized naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. It translates more readily memorized domain names to the numerical IP addresses needed for the purpose of locating and identifying computer services and devices with the underlying network protocols. The Domain Name System delegates the responsibility of assigning domain names and mapping those names to Internet resources by designating authoritative name servers for each domain.->Wikipedia DNS


A 'DNS based Service Discovery Name' is a name for a service that is offered by a host. E. g. uses the Safari browser DNS-SD to locate nearby servers. The DNS-SD names (e. g. '_afpovertcp._tcp.') human readable name is the Service Type (e. g. 'Apple File Sharing'). A service type registry is maintained and published by>Wikipedia DNS-SD



File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet.->Wikipedia FTP



A gateway in the networking context means the software program that connects your local network to the internet. This is usually located in your router.->Wikipedia Router



A host is a computer connected to a network like the internet or another IP-based network. The computer (host) can have one or more IP addresses, depending on the number of interface adapters installed (like ethernet or Airport cards).->Wikipedia Host

Host Name

A host name is a human readable nickname (e.g. 'Wolfgangs iMac' or 'MysteryOfTruth') that corresponds to a network address (e.g. IP address). In terms of the internet a domain name (like '') is a host name.->Wikipedia Hostname


The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a networking protocol for distributed information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.->Wikipedia HTTP


Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a combination of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol with the SSL/TLS protocol to provide encrypted communication and secure identification of a network web server->Wikipedia HTTPS


IP address

An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numeric identifier that represents a computer or device on a TCP/IP network.
The Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) has (in human readable format) 4 parts divided by dots, e. g. Due to the enormous growth of the Internet a new addressing system (IPv6) is being deployed worldwide since the mid-2000s and consists of 8 parts divided by colons, e. g. 2001:db8:0:1234:0:567:8:1.->Wikipedia IPv6

For your local network (LAN) you usually use the private address range - IP addresses in this range cannot be transmitted onto the public internet; to connect to the internet you need a network address translator (NAT) gateway (usually in your router) or a proxy server->Wikipedia Private Network

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) manages the IP address space allocations globally. ->Wikipedia IP Address


Kerberos is a computer network authentication protocol that works on the basis of 'tickets' to allow nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner.->Wikipedia Kerberos


MAC address

A Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface like an ethernet or Airport card. It is formed (in human readable format) out of six blocks divided by a colon or a hyphen, e. g. 01:23:45:67:89:ab->Wikipedia MAC



A Network Basic Input/Output System allows applications to communicate over a local area network (LAN). In modern networks every computer has an IP address and a NetBIOS name (not to confuse with a possible different host name).->Wikipedia NetBIOS



A Port is a software construct serving as an endpoint for communication. A specific port is defined by a port number (e. g. 9 for Wake on Lan), an IP address of the device that the port leads to (e. g. and the type of the transport protocol used for communication (TCP or UDP). A well-known range of port numbers is reserved by convention to identify specific service types on a host computer.

Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535); the difference uses of these ranges is described in [RFC6335]. System Ports are assigned by IETF process for standards-track protocols, as per [RFC6335]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "Expert Review" process, as per [RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned. ->Wikipedia Port



A router is a device that forwards data packets across computer networks. A router connects two or more different networks, e.g. the local network with the internet.->Wikipedia Router



A server is a software that runs on a host computer and 'serves' data and applications for other computers in a network. The term 'server' is also often used for the computer on which the server software is running.->Wikipedia Server

Service Name

The service name is the name of the instance (or the computer) that offers a Bonjour service. Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP. Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as documented in [RFC6335].

Service Type

The service Type is the name of the Bonjour service in a more human readable form than its DNS-SD name (e. g. 'Apple File Sharing' instead of '_afpovertcp._tcp.').

Service Address

The service addresses are the addresses where a service can be reached. A discrete service (e. g. Printer Sharing) can have multiple service addresses.


Server Message Block (alternatively, SMB/CIFS), an application-level network protocol mainly applied to shared access to files, printers, serial ports, and miscellaneous communications between nodes on a network, used in particular by Microsoft.->Wikipedia SMB


The 'Simple Network Management Protocol' (SNMP) community string is like a keyword or a user identification that allows access to the statistics of a router like an Airport Base Station. If the string is incorrect the router refuses to answer.->Wikipedia SNMP


Secure Shell or SSH is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices. SSH uses public-key cryptography to authenticate the remote computer and allow the remote computer to authenticate the user.->Wikipedia SSH


The SSID or Service Set Idetification is the name of a wireless lan.->Wikipedia SSID


TXT Data

The txt data show additional information for Bonjour services. Not all services deliver txt data.


The Transmission Transport Protocol (TCP) is the protocol that major Internet applications such as the World Wide Web or e-mail rely on. TCP provides reliable, ordered delivery of a stream of bytes from a program on one computer to another program on another computer. Another often used protocol that does not offer reliable data streams is UDP.->Wikipedia TCP



With the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) computer applications can send messages to other hosts on an IP network without requiring prior communications to set up special transmission channels or data paths. It is used e. g. by IPTV, many online games and Wake on Lan.->Wikipedia UDP



Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a graphical desktop sharing system that uses the RFB protocol to remotely control another computer. It transmits the keyboard and mouse events from one computer to another, relaying the graphical screen updates back in the other direction, over a network.->Wikipedia VNC